Monday, February 26, 2007

PricewaterhouseCoopers Delivers the News:Less Welcome Than Usual

The PricewaterhouseCoopers auditors (green-shades, according to popular press) did show up at the Oscars yesterday with their sealed envelopes and armed guards following 70 years of tradition in sending, receiving, counting, auditing and determining the winners...


Anonymous said...

PwC has a 125 year old legacy in providing assurance to clients and the results are in as safe hands as money could buy, accountants and consultants are like surgeons everytime a major surgery goes well the patients feel its only so well as they paid top dollar for the surgery but when something goes wrong so filled are we with remorse that we are hardpressed to understand no surgeon however bright can envisage every possibility and bring to the operating table the full breath of his brilliance to all his work

Anonymous said...

No single client or single` issue is bigger than a Big 4 Firm. But in any big tree there will be a bad apple or two. Hopefully the bad apples are weeded out before they become partners. S