Some months ago, we looked at who is blogging from inside at the Big Four firms. Our survey indicated blogs at Accenture (NYSE: ACN), Cap Gemini SA, PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, Deloitte & Touche LLP, and one by KPMG LLP's Chairman. At that time, we noticed the lack of publicly-oriented blogs at BearingPoint (NYSE: BE), Ernst & Young LLP . We checked again on the same topic for any changes in status, and here is what we found. Status Quo for the most part. Some blogs have definitely added more content and authors, and the Deloitte LLP and CapGemini SA in particular have regular postings from committed bloggers. Recently, it has been brought to our attention that there is a BearingPoint blog in Australia, which we shall check out....
Big 4,
Thanks for the compliments regarding our Women’s Initiative (WIN) blog. The blog, initially an experiment of sorts, has developed into a cyber community of both women and men comrades across all levels of our organization. (Not convinced on the men front? Just check out the Left Out blog entry.)
It turns out that this mode of communication is quite an equalizer and a way to air topics that, well, may not otherwise be aired. I hear regularly about office debates that are spurred by the blog topic of the week. I can’t say I’m comfortable with my name being bantered about as much as it is during these exchanges, but I’m getting used to it.
It’s amazing to see the connections that are made over topics that fill our everyday lives—and that’s what this is really all about. With some nudging—yes, including yours—we’re taking the blog public. Yep, we’re going outside the firewall to spark even more conversation. Hey, why not?
The external WIN Blog can be accessed at www.deloitte.com/us/winblog. I hope you check it out and toss your own experiences and points of view into the mix.
Your blogger,
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