Sunday, March 12, 2006

E&Y on the State of the Accounting Profession

Ernst and Young's Chairman James Turley spoke recently at the Detroit Economic Club about the challenges and opportunities facing the accounting profession.....


Anonymous said...

I believe that the CEO's and other chiefs in the business world in pursuit of their ambitions, basically drive the reporting system and care not really, about anything except their payday. The accountant/auditor has little or no authority, except to resign from a compromise in principle, since the destiny of the accountant/auditor is under the control of the said CEO or other chief. The corporate directors have not shouldered their responsibility very well at all and need some teaching on morality and ethics....Herein lies the dilemma.

Anonymous said...

Morality and ethics are only applicable to situations where there is no money involved, such as when there is no possibility of the person in question getting his hands on any.